
Let It Go!!!

forgiveToday as I spent time with God.  I wanted to know what was on His heart and his answer was really profound.  It was FORGIVENESS!!!  The Lord began to share with Me that in this season He wants to advance and prosper many people but the bitterness and unforgiveness that they hold onto will keep them fromentering into this next level.  With so much happening on the Earth, racial tensions, hatred against authority, disdain,distrust, it is all leading to unforgiveness.  A Spirit of Bitterness.  If you hold onto anything (unforgiveness) don’t be surprised  that you are not advancing.
Any past hurts, pains, relationships…let it go.  Jesus Christ is the greatest example of this, while hanging on a cross face to face with His accusers, tormentors, beaters, mockers, scoffers, haters, those that caused Him SO MUCH PAIN.  He could have made the decision to hold onto bitterness, to hold onto unforgiveness.  He was at the point of transitioning, from leaving this world and being present with God the Father.  He chose instead to say “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”  Wow…He so freely let that go, not just for their benefit but for His as well, if He had held onto it, He could not have gone to the next level, He could not have fulfilled His purpose, because He said “I only do what I see My Father do and say what I hear My Father say.”  Unforgiveness is not a part of God and Jesus would not have been able to advance, to go into God’s Presence with it.  So, I say to you, let it go.  I know with full confidence that God has great plans for you, the best is yet to come, you ain’t seen nothing yet, this season is your season, but if you do not let go of what is holding you back, if you do not forgive, you will watch on the sidelines as the Blessings of God pass you by.  Please, let it go.



Unforgiveness ——> Let it go!

As I was sitting here spending some quality time with my heavenly Father, my attention went to someone I know.  A thought that I do not ever remember having towards her popped in my head… “Why don’t you pray for her?” I was taken aback a little because I have known her for many years and know a lot of what she has experienced in life thus far. I did not get mad at myself for not keeping her in my prayers but after realizing that I have not been praying for her I was put on alert.  I realized that I allowed our past conflicts and disagreements to linger, and apparently I had taken offense and it was not visible to me. How can I expect God to forgive me and send continued blessings my way if I cannot forgive his child? It is very dangerous and even harmful physically to hold unforgiveness against someone. Unforgiveness is like drinking poison but expecting someone else to die (via Bishop T D Jakes).

I am thankful that my heart was shown to me tonight because I only want to please God in every area of my life. I plan to make it my duty to pray for her when I think of her. Even as I type, it’s as if my heart yearns to see her prosper in every area of her life without any judgement coming from me. Though we may never be close, I still choose to pray for her and want nothing but the best for her.

Is there someone from your past or in your life right now that you may be holding unforgiveness against? If so, choose to forgive that person so that YOU maybe free and so you will not slowly die because of a grudge. Let it go!!

Father I ask you to please forgive me for harboring unforgiveness towards _________. I forgive ________ for ________. I thank you for your strength and for helping me show love towards everyone. I pray that you will bless ________ and he/she/they will seek you with their whole being. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Love, Carol
